Welcome to a new series of blog posts about interior design for kids from FADS.co.uk. Because children are essentially little clutter magnets, we’re helping you by providing genius space saving ideas in today’s post
Also: stay tuned, because we’ll be publishing more inspiration, advice and tips for decorating kids rooms throughout the next few months! Let’s begin!
The great big throwaway:
The first step in organising and creating more space in your child’s’ room is very simple: a big throwaway. It’s boring, it can cause arguing with your child and it’s easy to put off. But it DOES needs doing. So, spend an afternoon getting rid of all the unused, unwanted or broken items in your child’s room.
Make sure you don’t neglect the closet: discard clothing that’s too small or too old, and streamline draws of folded clothing: will your child wear all of those t-shirts? Or can some be donated to a charity shop?
In an article on OrganizedHome.com, the author suggests families with smaller homes should install a “toy library” system. All toys are boxed into a container and stored away for a couple of months:
“Some rainy day, bring out the toy library, swapping the stored toys for other playthings that have lost their savour. The stored toys will have regained their interest and freshness–and they won’t have been underfoot in the child’s room.”
Everything in its place:
Now your child’s room is de-cluttered, its time to get organising. Make sure every item is designated a home. Even if all toys are piled up in big bucket-style bags and papers are plonked in baskets with no real order: the aim is just to hide the clutter out of view!
Here are some of our favourite DIY kids’ storage solutions via Pinterest:
From left to right: Bookshelves turned on their sides, covered with foam and fabric and fitted with boxes to hide away toys (source). Tins and tubs papered with cute patterned paper and used to hold craft supplies (source). A shoe organiser is great for holding dolls (or cars/dinosaurs) (source). A second hand toolbox can be recycled into a lego organiser (source).
Think vertical:
Kids often get given the smallest rooms in the house, so you might not have much floor space for cabinets, desks, tables or draws. Instead, you’ll have to think vertical: can storage solutions be built up the wall?
Left to right: Hanging storage bags help to keep clutter of the floor. These from Potwells are fantastic. Their fun colourful designs brighten the room, but they’re also very practical. Right: The shape of these hanging basket planters make them perfect for displaying toys and teddies (source). While the painted shelves and crates below are perfect for shoe AND toy storage – genius (source).
Beds with storage:
The storage bed is the ultimate space-saving piece of furniture for a child’s room. You’ll be happy all of your child’s toys are off the floor, while he or she will love having their playthings to hand as they sit up on the top bunk.

Parisot Bibop Beech Finish Storage Bunk Bed with Guest Bed by FADS.co.uk
This bed sold in our store features bunk beds AND an optional pull out guest bed for sleepovers, which then neatly tucks back in when not in use. How useful is that?
In our kids beds section, we also sell a range of space-saving high beds with built in desks underneath. These provide a useful space for children to complete their homework or for doing crafts.
Did this article give you lots of inspiration? Will you be trying any of these space saving tips in your child’s room? Or do you have any tips to share? Let us know in the comments below!